So, I found out a little while ago that today is memorial day...(yeah, I guess it was silly not to know! yike)
Anyway, I want to honor the loved ones of my family that have passed, and the men and women who have given their lives fighting for our country.
Okay, so I would like to Honor-
My younger brother, Jonathan...
My little sister, Rala...
My Papa(Daddy's Daddy)...
My Mamie(Daddy's Mama)...
My Aunt Diane(Daddy's little sister)...
My Uncle Mike(Daddy's brother-in-law)...
My Great-Aunt Nell(Daddy's Aunt)...
My Grannie(Mama's Mama)...
My Uncle Bill(Mama's brother)...
My cousin John(Mama's nephew)...
My Aunt Tina(Mama's sister)...
And to all the soldier's who have given us this great country we live in with their lives...all the way back to the Revolutionary War...
Below are some pictures that I got off line...
I love this one...I have a copy of it in my scrapbook...

My Papa-Jesse Arthur Hale-also served this country in the United States Army.
Louis Zamperini also served the United States Army.
I don't have pictures of all of my family members who have passed on, so...sorry about that!
Happy Memorial's Day!!
God Bless!!!!!
(Sorry for mistakes)
P.S. My best friend from will be leaving for Africa in a couple of please pray for a safe trip and that her mission trip goes wonderful for her and the ones that she is with!! Thank you!!
I'm sad...
Me and Alisha...last month on my birthday when she was visiting...
For the next three and a half months I will be sad not talking to her...maybe ones a week.... :(:( I'm sad...just thought I'd throw that in there!