Hey, ya'll! How's everyone doing?
Today I'm doing a blog tag and I'm really excited! I was tagged by This Redeemed Girl, so thank you Beth for tagging me for this!
Let me list the rules below that I just copied from Beth:
1 – Thank the blog that nominated you and include a Liebster Award graphic (I just got mine from Beth's blog!)
2 – Answer the questions the blogger gave you.
3 – Share some random fun-facts about yourself.
4 – Nominate as many other blogs you can/want to, and inform them of the nomination.
5 – Give your nominees questions to answer (Anna gave 8 and Alyssa gave 11. Aim for somewhere in there).
Now for the fun part-answering the questions!
1:What is your favorite book of the Bible?
I have so many but I really like John!
2: What is your favorite story from the Bible?
Two of my favorites are when Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11), and the second is when The Captain of The Lord's Host, Michael, appeared to Joshua (Joshua 5:13-15)!
3: What's your favorite childhood memory?
Milking the cows with two of my brothers and one of my sisters, and Daddy. And playing outside with everyone!
4: What is your favorite movie?
The Gospel According to Matthew starring Bruce Marchiano.
5: What was/is your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject in school was History, and I still really enjoy learning History!
6: Have you ever written a book?
I've written around ten books, and am the published author of one.
7:What's your favorite novel and why?
I have so many but if I had to pick only one, I'd pick the SHIELD series by Beth jane. It's such a great story and Beth has such true feeling behind it! (Joke: if ya go to New York, tell officer Amy and her partner I say hello!)
8: What is something just wow God has done for you?
He healed me amazingly!
Okay, now here are some fun facts about me!
1. I can sound like a chainsaw with my nose, without using my hands.
2. I like to dip my crackers and thick pizza crust in water and coke.
3. I like to just eat peanut butter right out of the jar.
4. If it wasn't for the fact that it would have to be tamed, I would so want to have a pet lion, with a huge mane!
5. I like frozen yogurt better than ice cream.
6. I have only written one non-fiction book.
I'm supposed to tag someone now!
I tag:
And here is my questions for her:
1. What is a Bible verse that has impacted your life?
2. What is your favorite meal?
3. Do you have any pet peeves?
4. How long have you had a blog?
5. What is your favorite game, indoor or outdoor?
6. Are you more outdoor or indoor?
Well, I believe that wraps it up! I hope you all enjoyed this post and let me know what you think in the comments below!
God Bless!!
Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)
(Please keep my family's health in your prayers! Thank you!)
Chloe Hadassah