Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jesus, YOU MAKE THE DARKNESS tremble, Blog Tour Day #1....

I am so excited to share with ya'll about this book, written by Beth jane! This is her second book published, and IT IS SO GOOD!! It released yesterday and I'm honored to be kicking off the blog tour today! 
So let's get started!

First, I'll share the back description with ya'll!

There is so much darkness in the world...from failed relationships to suicide and school shootings. But while it may seem we're drowning in darkness, there is still Hope. And that Hope is in Jesus Christ.

Jesus, YOU MAKE THE DARKNESS, tremble touches on many subjects...such as relationships, anxiety, depression, and judging. 
This book shows how every generation, young and old, can rise up and get back to being honorable men and women of God. It shows how, with Jesus, we can kick the devil back to where he came from.

Are you ready to start making some darkness tremble? Are you ready to make it vanish? 

Yes? Then let's go?

Today I'm going to give a review of the book-and don't forget to look below to see the other dates and links to the rest of the blog tour!

The Message: This book's message is so powerful and true, we all need to get a hold of it! Beth jane takes the time to explain each topic, and how we can use the weapons God has given us to fight against this darkness! She shares the importance of living a life for Jesus, and not the way the devil tries to get us to live. 

The Topics: You can see above a few of the topics that the author talks about, but she addresses so many more! She gives scripture verses to go with each topic before she begins to share with us what
God has laid on her heart! The subjects she addresses are so important, and I can see around me how many of us need to hear the things written in this book.

Easy to Read: Even though there are a few long chapters, they are easy to read-as well as the whole book! The book is under 200 pages and Beth jane writes with the simplicity that is so easy to understand!

Loaded with note-worthy materiel: I highly recommend having a pen and paper handy when reading this book. There are so many important things I've read and wished I had written them down to put them on my wall to read. It's good to take notes to put somewhere to reflect on. Sometimes we may not read a book twice, no matter how good it is, so it's good to write down key things to have handy to look at!

I hope you will go and get your copy! You can find it on Amazon (at this link)!

Remember to keep up with the rest of the blog tour below!

And let's make some darkness tremble!!

Blog Tour Dates

August  21st, Chloe Hadassah,  heresclo.blogspot.com
August 22nd, Beth jane,  bethhere4ualways.blogspot.com
August 23rd, Isabella Morganthal, https://jesusisworthitall.weebly.com/blog
August 25th, Livy B. http://christslightmagazine.com/


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sunshine Blogger Award....

Sarah from http://carsonfamilysingers.weebly.com/ nominated me for this and I'm excited to do it! Thank you, Sarah, for the nomination!

Here are the rules for this tag:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and give their blog link
2. Answer the questions they asked (11 tops)
3. Nominate other bloggers and give them 11 questions

Let's get started, ya'll!

Here are Sarah's questions and my answers!

1. Would you share your testimony of coming to Jesus? Here's a small version of my testimony! I always knew about Jesus, having grown up in a Christian home. I asked Jesus in my heart, but after awhile started thinking that I wasn't really saved because of certain things going on in my life at that time (the devil tells believers those lies a lot). My Mama talked with me and began to help me. I got back on track and I am not ashamed to be a Christian! 
2. Favorite singer/band and song? My favorite singer is Kim Walker-Smith and my favorite band is Jesus Culture! Oh, I have so many favorite songs but one of my favorites (and a powerful one) is What A Beautiful Name by Hillsong!
3. Where would you like to see yourself in five years from now? Closer to Jesus and in a deeper relationship with Him. And acting in movies.
4. What about in 40 years...what do you see yourself doing? Serving Jesus strongly, being a wife and helping to continue to raise our family (we'll probably have grandchildren by then!). And helping my immediate family, too. And... still acting!
5. What are the worst and best adventures you've been on?  Hmmm...I don't know!!
6. What is a favorite memory of yours from early childhood? Milking the cows with my brothers and sisters and following my Daddy and older brother around the farm, working and playing with them! And running around with my brothers and sisters!
7. Best movie ever? I don't know if I can name that, but definitely one of the tops is The Gospel According to Matthew starring Bruce Marchiano!
8. Cake, cookies, or pie--or none of the above? ALL of the above!!
9. What is your pet peeve? It bothers me when people leave lights on when they leave a room.
10. What is your dream vacation? Oh, my! I don't know! I would like to see old historical places-not just ones in the US. And I would like to go to England and Paris.
11. How about ending with your favorite quote? I don't know if I have a favorite, but one that has stuck with me is this: "At the foot of the cross, the ground it level." (Said by Pastor Ralph Hale)

Now to nominate other bloggers!!

Alisha at Alisha In Progress
Peyton and Joy at Sisters On Our Knees
And Sarah at Ever In Joyful Song

Here are 11 questions for them:

1. What is your favorite book of the Bible?
2. Is there a verse that has inspired or helped you? If so, what is it?
3.What is your favorite movie?
4. Do you have a favorite memory?
5. Do you play any instruments?
6. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
7. Are you from the country or city?
8. Where would you like to live someday?
9. What is most important advice you've been given?
10. What's your favorite food?
11. What is something that makes you laugh the most?

That's it!! Have fun!

God Bless!

~Chloe Hadassah~

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


If you are a blogger, and would like to help me get the word out about Why I'm Waiting, here is what I need help with: from the dates June 26th to the 30th, I need a blog each day to post something about the book. I need at least five bloggers to participate, and if you're wanting to help, you get a FREE PDF of Why I'm Waiting before it releases! 

You can do a review; quote; description, ect.

Send me a message through my blog if you're interested! Better hurry: the release date isn't too far away!!

Thank you all for you're support and encouragement!!!

God Bless as you continue to serve Him!


Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)




Monday, June 11, 2018


I am so excited to be able to announce this to ya'll!! God is just GREAT to help me write, edit and publish this new book!! 


Below is the description to the book:

Why Am I Waiting For My Future Husband?


  In Why I’m Waiting, the author’s first non-fictional book, she shares with you why she has committed to waiting for her future husband. She starts each subject with verses from the Bible, to help show you what God says about purity.
The author touches on the following subjects:

*My Heart Belongs To God
*Being Content
*God’s Choice, Not Mine
*The Waiting: Following Christ’s Example
*Being Prepared
*Physical: Body Is The Temple Of The Holy Ghost
*First Kiss

  Chloe prays that all who read this book are blessed and that it touches their lives; and she hopes you enjoy the many verses throughout!
So, come along and dive into scripture with her as she shares with you one of her heart’s greatest passions!


Are you excited to read it?
I hope you are!

Don't forget to let all your friends know!

Ahhh!! I'm so excited!!!

God Bless ya'll as you continue to serve Him!!




Friday, May 4, 2018

How Well Do You Know Me Quiz....


Below is the link to a quiz that I made, so if ya'll wanna see how well ya know me, click the link below! And share your results! I'm excited to see how ya'll do and have fun with it!

Have blessed rest of your day and God Bless!!

Is. 53:5





Monday, April 16, 2018

Liebster Award Tag....

Hey, ya'll! How's everyone doing? 

Today I'm doing a blog tag and I'm really excited! I was tagged by This Redeemed Girl, so thank you Beth for tagging me for this!

Let me list the rules below that I just copied from Beth:

1 – Thank the blog that nominated you and include a Liebster Award graphic (I just got mine from Beth's blog!)
2 – Answer the questions the blogger gave you.
3 – Share some random fun-facts about yourself.
4 – Nominate as many other blogs you can/want to, and inform them of the nomination.
5 – Give your nominees questions to answer (Anna gave 8 and Alyssa gave 11.  Aim for somewhere in there).

Now for the fun part-answering the questions!

1:What is your favorite book of the Bible?
I have so many but I really like John!

2: What is your favorite story from the Bible?
Two of my favorites are when Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11), and the second is when The Captain of The Lord's Host, Michael, appeared to Joshua (Joshua 5:13-15)! 

3: What's your favorite childhood memory?
Milking the cows with two of my brothers and one of my sisters, and Daddy. And playing outside with everyone!

4: What is your favorite movie?
The Gospel According to Matthew starring Bruce Marchiano.

5: What was/is your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject in school was History, and I still really enjoy learning History!

6: Have you ever written a book?
I've written around ten books, and am the published author of one.

7:What's your favorite novel and why?
I have so many but if I had to pick only one, I'd pick the SHIELD series by Beth jane. It's such a great story and Beth has such true feeling behind it! (Joke: if ya go to New York, tell officer Amy and her partner I say hello!)

8: What is something just wow God has done for you?
He healed me amazingly!

Okay, now here are some fun facts about me!

1. I can sound like a chainsaw with my nose, without using my hands.

2. I like to dip my crackers and thick pizza crust in water and coke.

3. I like to just eat peanut butter right out of the jar.

4. If it wasn't for the fact that it would have to be tamed, I would so want to have a pet lion, with a huge mane!

5. I like frozen yogurt better than ice cream.

6. I have only written one non-fiction book.

I'm supposed to tag someone now! 
I tag:

And here is my questions for her:

1. What is a Bible verse that has impacted your life?

2. What is your favorite meal?

3. Do you have any pet peeves?

4. How long have you had a blog?

5. What is your favorite game, indoor or outdoor?

6. Are you more outdoor or indoor?

Well, I believe that wraps it up! I hope you all enjoyed this post and let me know what you think in the comments below!


God Bless!!

Isaiah 53:5 (KJV)
(Please keep my family's health in your prayers! Thank you!)

Chloe Hadassah




Wednesday, February 14, 2018

What I Don't Pray For In My Future Husband....

Hello, ya'll! Today I want to sit here and share with ya'll something that is on my heart. Here goes...

What I don't pray for in my future husband. Yes, I pray for him. We all should pray for our future husband/wife. And, I admit, I need to pray more that he will be a man after God's own heart-things along that line.
I do pray that he will be told about Jesus if he's not yet saved.  And I pray for him to wait for me as I wait for him. And I pray for other things.

But you know what I don't pray for? 

I don't pray that he'll be tall, or have a certain hair color. I don't pray for him to be physically strong or wear jeans and boots instead of a suit. 

I don't pray for things like that and you know why?

“Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord.”
[Psalm 4:5]

The Psalmist says to put our trust in God. I want to trust God for what my husband should looks like, or the job he should have. 
Because if I create a look that I want in a man, I might just miss what God brings me because I was expecting something that I wanted instead. 

I don't know about ya'll, but I don't want to miss out on the goodness that God has in store for us!

We need to pray for God to make our hearts and our spouse's heart ready for Him to bring us together!

Imagine, God's choice will be so much better then ours! My husband won't be perfect, but he'll be perfect for me!

“Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.”
[Colossians 4:12]

I want to stand in God's complete and perfect will of God for me, and not my will for myself!

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
[Isaiah 55:9]

Because His ways are so much better, higher, then mine!

I hope you all have a blessed rest of the week!

God Bless!

Is.53:5 (KJV)

~Chloe Hadassah~

*All scripture taken from the King James Version of The Bible*

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

the SHIELD series Blog Tour/Day #4/Book Review....

Hello, ya'll! I am so excited to be doing another day on the SHIELD series blog tour!

Today I am doing a review of the books and I hope ya'll enjoy!

What I Think of the SHIELD series story:

If I had to say it in one word, the word would be BEAUTIFUL! The story was absolutely amazing! When the author, Beth jane, first shared with me the story, I was a fan! The way the two book's different characters face different challenges, I find very interesting. Both books hold stories that show us that no matter what we face, our SHIELD JESUS, is ALWAYS there!

The Characters:

The characters are so easy to get to know! The first books main character, Amy Riley, is one of my favorite characters from the books! Beth jane presents the different characters in a way that does not make them complicated to get to know, and they're feelings about things are easy to understand.

The Way It's Written:

Beth jane gets right to the point in a simple, easy to understand, way. She doesn't add unnecessary words or dialogue that makes it complicated, and she doesn't leave things out that might make it harder to understand! Every part flows in to make the whole story lovely!

The Outcome:

Oh, the outcome did NOT disappoint! I can't say anything that would give the ending away, but you'll be glad you read it! Both books leave you with a good feeling and a smile.

Two Books In One:

That's such a bonus! When you get the first one, you automatically get the second! That way when you finish number one, you don't have to to wait to order the other one, it's already there! And if you're like me, when you finish the books you'll have a good feeling when holding the big book, knowing you read every word!

I hope ya'll enjoyed this short review and DON'T FORGET to click the link below to order a copy from Amazon, if you're interested! (Or if I know you or you know the author, you can order from me through the contact form!)

Book cover and back description!

But thou, O Lord, art a Shield for me; my glory, and the Lifter up of mine head.
The SHIELD.... Amy Riley is successful NYC photography, living in a gorgeous apartment with plenty of money.  She should be one of the happiest people on earth. But she's not? Why?
Because she's running from the calling God has for her in being a NYPD police officer. Fear grips her life. She feels she's not capable of the calling.
      With God's help, Amy take's the Savior's hand and launches on the journey of being an officer. Pain grips so much of her life. Hurt from a dark past stays with her.
But the importance of doing what God says is discovered. 
      And most importantly, a SHIELD is found…. and is always there.
             The SHIELD 2.... Lydia Myers is a survivor of human trafficking; only she still lives in complete pain and torment.
The lead singer for a local band, Lights, is also a survivor of human trafficking, but lives in peace and happiness.
The singer starts a small group for girls who have come from human trafficking, hoping to encourage and share with them how she found freedom in Christ. She shares with them how they can find freedom too.
Lydia attends, hoping to find a way to find peace. She's so tired of living in torment. She knows something has to change.
Fear threatens the lives of several citizens of NYC. But, a SHIELD is found... and rediscovered….

Other Blog Tour Dates:

January 22th, 2018, Worth It All Blog, https://jesusisworthitall.weebly.com/.... Book cover and Description!
January 23th, 2018, Sunshine Girl Blog, bethhere4ualways.blogspot.com…. A Shield that cannot be Broken Through…. an article!
January 24th, 2018, The Chloe Blog, http://heresclo.blogspot.com/.... A Review!
January 25th, 2018, Don’t You Know That I’m Singing Blog…. http://blog.hellandfamily.com/DontYouKnowThatImSinging/ An Author Interview!
January 26th. 2018, UNIQUELY  M (ARI) E Blog…. https://uniquelymarieblog.wordpress.com/.... Character Interview!

January 27th, 2018, This Redeemed Girl…. thisredeemedgirl16.blogspot.com…. Just Believe… a look back on my experience with the SHIELD!

God Bless!!

Isaiah 55:8-13 (KJV)


Monday, January 22, 2018

the SHIELD series Blog Tour Dates Rescheduled....

Howdy, everyone! In my last post I gave the dates for the rest of the blog tour for the SHIELD series. The dates were changed and the tour is starting today, so I'm posting the tour dates of the other blogs so that ya'll can follow along! And to read the prologue of the SHIELD series, just go to my last post!

Also, here is the link to the SHIELD series on Amazon, below!

Have a great day and God Bless!

Other Blog Tour Dates:

January 22th, 2018, Worth It All Blog, https://jesusisworthitall.weebly.com/.... Book cover and Description!
January 23th, 2018, Sunshine Girl Blog, bethhere4ualways.blogspot.com…. A Shield that cannot be Broken Through…. an article!
January 24th, 2018, The Chloe Blog, http://heresclo.blogspot.com/.... A Review!
January 25th, 2018, Don’t You Know That I’m Singing Blog…. http://blog.hellandfamily.com/DontYouKnowThatImSinging/ An Author Interview!
January 26th. 2018, UNIQUELY  M (ARI) E Blog…. https://uniquelymarieblog.wordpress.com/.... Character Interview!
January 27th, 2018, This Redeemed Girl…. thisredeemedgirl16.blogspot.com…. Just Believe… a look back on my experience with the SHIELD!

Isaiah 55:8-13 (KJV)
