Thursday, March 16, 2017

Jesus VS. World...

You know, this world is gonna tell you things. SO many things and most can hurt you...Make you cry at night.

It'll tell you that:

You're not pretty.
You're overweight.
No boy will like you because of what you look like.
You don't fit in to 'the group'.
You'll never make it.
And tons of other hurtful words, but you know what all these things are. I can tell you in one word:

Lies that are straight from the devil.

You know, we are made in God's Holy image and that makes us beautiful. David said in Psalms that "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
And it's good to eat healthy, but what you weigh is not so important that you should be miserable to be a certain size. What makes you  truly beautiful is not what you look like on the outside but what you are on the inside. How much you love Jesus and serve Him. THAT is what makes someone beautiful, and when they are lovely on the inside-then they become lovely/beautiful on the outside. You are always beautiful, I believe, because we are made in His image but when we let Christ in and start serving Him, then I believe we take on a extra beauty.
And you shouldn't want any man to like you in that way except the one that God had out there for you (the same for boys wanting girls to like them). When you want someone to like you then you are wanting them to be unfaithful to their future spouse. And guess what-the right one WILL like you no matter what you look like, they will think that you are the most beautifully made person on the face of God's earth! Just wait. That one will come in God's timing. The waiting period is letting God make you both ready, praying for each other!
And if you are following God's plan for your life, then you will make! If you stay on His path and rely on Him for strength then He will be there to help you.
And guess what else-


The Bible says we are not of this world! (John 17:16 KJV) If we fit in, then they will not see our light shining for Jesus! (Matthew 5:16 KJV) We are supposed to shine!! 

Don't listen to what this world says because it is so NOT TRUE and so NOT WORTH it! 

Listen to what God says, because that is SO TRUE and SO WORTH it!

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
Psalm 139:14 KJV

I love you all!

God Bless!!

Is.53:5, Phil.4:13 KJV



  1. Girl, this post was incredible! It was EXACTLY what I needed to read today!
    Thank you for the encouragement you always provide :)

    Love you!

  2. Olivia Bell (aka Livy)March 17, 2017 at 2:44 PM

    What an encouraging post, Chloe! It was so good, and really helped me! Thanks so much for it! :D

  3. Great post! if a boy only likes you for your appearance anyway, he can't be God's choice. Why? Because God looks on the heart, and a man of God will as well.


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