Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Another Birthday...

Once again, we have another April brother, Jesse Samuel. Today Samuel is 15.
Happy Birthday, little brother! Although you ain't so little anymore!! haha
I hope your day is all that you hoped it would be and more!
So, make sure to wish him a very Happy Birthday.

God Bless!!!!
Is. 53:5


(Sorry for mistakes)

Samuel a few years ago...

I believe this was taken on a birthday of his...

He was proud of all them frogs that he caught-and with good reason...

Last year at Civil War days-and that's root beer in front of him, they were selling it in old bottles like they used to...

Just being Samuel...

Loves to fish...


  1. Happy 15th birthday Samuel!! Hope you had a blessed day with your family ;)

    Your friend,

    1. this is sammy-boy here. i had a wonderful day. thanks!
      signing out, jack.

  2. Tell Samuel happy belated birthday!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday Samuel!!!


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