Friday, December 2, 2016

The Name...

My Daddy, the pastor of From Fathers Heart To Yours Church, wrote this article for the newspaper here, and read it to us for Bible Time the other night. I loved it and He let me post it here on my blog!
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So, read and enjoy!

Having eaten to much, stuffing ourselves way beyond measure, let us now turn our attention toward birth.
I trust that we all have had and still maintain a grateful heart for all the blessings of God. We enjoy so much and most of us give thanks so little.
As we now journey toward Bethlehem let us remind ourselves of the reason for the journey. Often we can get sidetracked with taxing and such like that we loose sight of why we are where we are at the time we are there.
The purpose was to birth Messiah in agreement with the promises God had made since the garden of Eden. It's noteworthy for us to understand that often times an inconvenience in our lives can actually be God fulfilling a promise. He just needs to get us in the right place at the right time for that promise to happen. Even taxing, a census and a booked up hotel can be involved in the fulfillment of God's word. 
As you recall God has always associated His work and promises with His name. It is no coincidence that He used names to tell us about the coming Savior of mankind. Emmanuel, meaning God with us. Call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins. (Matt.1:21-23)
All through time people have used names to denote and/or describe the person to whom it is given. This basically holds true in most civilizations and cultures of the world. But none so fitting and powerful as that of the Bible where we can see God's plan of salvation unfolding in the lives of people. As we match the names with the possessor we see them becoming what their name says. We should understand this when selecting names for our children today. Just think, every time Mary and Joseph spoke the name Jesus to Him they were telling Him who and what He was and is to become. We can do the same with ours also.
So we find God announcing the coming of Jesus. He moves all the pieces of a worldwide puzzle in place, like a master chess player then births the Savior. All along the way instilling in all the characters involved the importance of His name.
His name! The name of Jesus! As John wrote; "But as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God, even to them who believed on His name." (Jn.1:12) Oh, the power of His name! Jesus!
His name was chosen and given because it says what and who He is. Savior-Healer-Provider-Presence of God-Peace-Protector-and the name that is to be proclaimed to the world. He said; if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. (Jn.12:32)
He instructed us to pray in His name and our prayers will be heard and granted. (Jn.14:14) Paul said that Jesus is the name above every name that is named. Every knee must bow and every tongue confess Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. (Eph.1:20-23)(Ph.2:9-11) All our enemies have to acknowledge and submit to the name of Jesus!
So now as we travel on toward Bethlehem, why are we going. To find a deal on gifts, to hear angels sing, to hear shepherds talk, or maybe we can get a glimpse of the wise men coming or going. No doubt there is a lot to see and hear. Be careful that they don't stand between you and the greatest gift of all! Jesus!
He is and has always been the reason and the only reason for such a journey and much celebration.
The birth of the person who is the name, who lives on in eternity invites us all to come and see! THE NAME!

I enjoyed hearing this and reading it again, and I hope that all of you did, as well!
Don't forget to go and visit the website above! You will be blessed!

This Jesus Saved cowgirl loves you all!

God Bless!!

Is.53:5, Phil.4:13


Daddy and Mama! I'm soo sorry that this is blurry, but it is the only one that I could find (that I could find)!

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